

原文来自「民陣」 民主派議員及民陣緊急聯合聲明 金鐘宣言中英版


Emergency joint statement by Pan-democratic legislators and Civil Human Rights Front


With regard to the actions by the crowd in admiralty, pan-democratic legislators and Civil Human Rights Front make the following joint statement.


Carrie Lam states today at the July 1 reception, that she would respond to people’s demands, become more open and tolerant. She has not shown any sincerity to respond or to communicate so far. She has rejected to face the society, ignored the demands of the people and pushed youngsters towards desperation.


Pan-democratic legislators have requested to meet with Lam today to seek solution in this political crisis. But the request of dialogue has been rejected by Lam. We cannot be angrier at her rejection to the request, which proves her “willingness to listen” to be the ugliest political lie. Lam’s arrogance revealed by her public responses since June 9 have only poured fuel to the flame, and lead to the crisis today. Lam is the culprit.


We hereby request that Lam faces the public view directly, respond to the demands of the people raised since June 9, solves the crisis that she started. She should also stop any crackdown on the public demands and avoid any injury.


We reiterate the five demands of Civil Human Rights Front, Pan-democratic legislators and Hongkongers raised since June:






  1. Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill;

  2. Investigate responsibility to shoot;

  3. Retract the characterisation of protest as riot;

  4. Release arrested protesters;

  5. Carrie Lam, step down!


Civil Human Rights Front


涂謹申 梁耀忠 李國麟 毛孟靜 胡志偉

莫乃光 陳志全 梁繼昌 郭家麒 郭榮鏗

張超雄 黃碧雲 葉建源 楊岳橋 尹兆堅

朱凱迪 林卓廷 邵家臻 陳淑莊 許智峯

鄺俊宇 譚文豪 范國威 區諾軒

2019 - 07 - 01 / 10:42PM

##金鐘宣言 / 香港人民爭取其應有之普世價值及社會制度宣言

Admiralty Declaration

  1. 對於過去數日,以至近數年之港人抗爭運動,皆為香港人為爭取自己應有的權利,所作出之公民抗命活動,所有熱愛香港的人民將一直支持此等抗爭直到永遠

Regarding the recent incidents of civil disobience, we the people who love Hong Kong shall support the movement till the end of time

  1. 謹代表香港人民宣誓,香港人民將永遠以追求本來應有之普世價值及社會制度為己任

On behalf of all HKers, we shall never cease pursuing universal values and rule of law

  1. 對於行政,立法,司法機關等,香港人民已無法容忍,若不立即進行改革,人民必將舉起手中的武器及盾牌,推翻暴政,推翻議會

HKers can no longer stand the injustice that is our government. We shall raise our shields and arms to overthrow the puppet Legislative Council and the Government

  1. 沒有民主選舉是一切問題之根源,必須馬上修改立法會議席及行政長官產生辦法,若非落實全民普選,誓不罷休

The lack of a democratic election is the root of all evils. Unless universal suffrage and a just election system are in place, we shall never stand down.

  1. 各大政府組織內部腐敗不堪,要求相關領導人士立即道歉,下台

Principal officials shall show accountability and step down.

  1. 要求政府立即釋放相關被捕示威者及政治犯,還他們一個清白

Gov’t must release all detainees and underwrite that they shall never pursue prosecution

  1. 政府必須承諾追究警隊以不當武力鎮壓示威者,警隊必須向全港市民致歉

Gov’t must investigate police brutality and apologize

  1. 於立法會提出議案,必須將近年運動定性為公民抗命民主運動,而非暴動

The recent movements shall be known as democratic movements instead of riots.

  1. 無限感激所有為香港未來付出鮮血和生命的人民英雄,要求立法將6月9日定為香港法定紀念日

6th of June shall forever go down in history and become an official holiday

  1. 毋忘香港血色六月

We shall never forget June of 2019

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