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原文來自FB Richard Scotford


a message I received from a traveller who was at the airport on Tuesday-08-15-07:53

I totally support the protesters escalation operations and adoption of strong defence-08-14-07:50

on a human level I could not stand by, or even walk away from a man(付國豪) being beaten to a pulp-08-14-00:58


One more thought on the girl who lost an eye-08-12-11:46





##a message I received from a traveller who was at the airport on Tuesday

This is a message I received from a traveller who was at the airport on Tuesday.

While some media were reporting that protesters were physically blocking tourists from catching their flights, her experience was very different. Attached are her photos of her experience.

I have a WONDERFUL story to share. It’s long, but worth the read. Today I arrived at HK airport to check in for my Qantas flight to Melbourne. As you can see from the photos, so did HK protesters. My check in went smoothly, however immigration was blocked by protesters x about 10 deep. My lovely QF lady suggested I try T2 immigration (thinking if I can just get through immigration you are half way home)! The same situation was over there. Then airlines stopped checking in passengers. I sat down on the floor and waited, listened the peaceful chanting and watched these amazing (mostly young Uni students) stand up for what they believe in - a democratic future. More protesters arrived, more passengers were stranded. My lovely Qantas lady rang me and said “you’ve got to get through immigration if you want to get on the flight, try and get past the protesters and get to the immigration gate”. So I got up, stepped around, through the protesters, and managed to get to the immigration station. Protesters told me “your flight is cancelled, you can’t go through” I explained to them that my flight wasn’t cancelled, I wanted to get home to see my family, I was shaking like a leaf. I told them I supported them, I was one of them (after living in HK for 10 years), I wanted them to be safe, but I also wanted to get home to my family. There was a great deal of discussion between the leader of this protesting group, the floor protesters and the guys “guarding” the immigration gate. Of course the argument was if they let me through they would have to let everyone through. I acknowledged this and said that this was their decision. I also told them that we (the citizens of HK) know that they are peaceful and do not want to cause any harm. I asked them, if I forced my way through immigration would they hurt me? They said no. More discussions I looked at them up close, into their eyes. These “protesters” are just kids protecting their future, their children’s future and the future of Hong Kong. And you know what - they let me through. I passed immigration and will hopefully be on my flight soon to see my precious family. What a privilege it was to meet and talk with some of these kids in person.





##I totally support the protesters escalation operations and adoption of strong defence Ok, so inevitably some of my words are being used by Mainland Media to discredit the movement. I get this. And to any blue ribbon or commie that thinks I have helped their cause - FUCK YOU!

I first wanna say, I totally support the protesters escalation operations and adoption of strong defence against the HK Police, Government and the CCP.

What I did in that moment, whether right or wrong, was just to protect a single human.

I can’t stress enough how much I empathise with Hong Konger’s anger. How all this was ultimately created by the police and the gov. They are the ones driving people to madness with their persistent escalation and ever present violence. Their continual beatings and attacks are intolerable. People are rightly angry and want to fight back.

When I said, “that’s not protesting” that’s just mob violence,” I still stand by those words. But, rationale people can understand that I was talking about a short period of time, in a small area, by a small group. Not the whole movement. It also doesn’t mean they are a mob all the time. They just acted irrationally for a temporary moment in time. Only irrational people will extrapolate my words to thinking I’m talking about everyone.

To be clear, I fully supported the protesters in detaining him, but there has to be a moral line we don’t cross, even in a full-on violent revolution. Excessively venting all your anger in to just one human is not the way. Save that energy for the greater Regime.

I also wanna reiterate that I absolutely don’t think that there were undercover police who were hitting him. The protesters, as always treated me with total respect. They never made any attempt to hit me. I don’t think undercover cops are that sophisticated. I would have got pummelled to shit if it was actually undercover cops pretending to be protesters.

Think about it: which headline works better for them? CROWD BEATS UP CHINESE COP



They were protesters not cops, I’m pretty certain.

Lastly, I do think this small incident was a mistake. If you are going to choose violence, then you also have to choose discipline too.

The reason why we all hate the cops so much is because they dish out heaps of violence with no discipline.

Finally, don’t get too hung up on this event.

Stay united. Keep protesting together, even if you personally differ on tactics.

##on a human level I could not stand by, or even walk away from a man(付國豪) being beaten to a pulp.

Sooooooo, the Airport turned out kinda crazy for me tonight. Had been live tweeting the discovery of the Chinese cop since it first happened.

After about an hour of him being quizzed, they tried to move him. It seemed that they would exit him via a human passageway. I was right at the front of the passageway ready to film it. It quickly became apparent that it wasn’t a passage way out but a gauntlet for a mass beating. The guy was already beaten up. Now the crowd began to punch and kick him.

Other media looked on and filmed. But I’m just not this kind of person, and I had to protect him, with my own body for nearly 40 mins.

Pretty intense.


I support escalation. I vividly understand how angry Hong Kongers are. I know I shouldn’t get actively involved. I also know that he was a Chinese cop, dressed as a protester, caught with sticks, and so had evil intentions towards HK.

But on a human level I could not stand by, or even walk away from a man being beaten to a pulp.

So yeah it was a rough ride.

The angry protesters respected what I was doing, and never intentionally hit me, not once. But, I got a few accidental knocks.


I’m sorry this happened.

I dunno what the outcome should’ve been. I don’t even know if my protecting him with my own body was the right thing to do.


This isn’t a war. It’s a revolution, we’re fighting a system, not individuals.

I think many protesters acted really badly tonight.

But, I also blame the HK police too. Their actions on Sunday, when they dressed up as protesters and then started beating and arresting people changed everything. Everyone is on a hair trigger now and riddled with paranoia and anger.

I said on Sunday, after this despicable tactic, any cop or agent provocateur caught by the protesters would be in life threatening danger. Well, I was proven right tonight, and also got a proxy beating for it. 🤣

Anyway, I’m all fine. A few scratches and bruises over my body and face.

HK is very much broken. Only the government can stop this.

In the meantime, get out and protest whenever you can. Every little will help in the long run.

Footnote:I don’t believe the people trying to hurt the cop were other cops or agent provocateurs. I believe they were really angry protesters. Why do I think this? Bcus I would’ve been beaten much more if that was the case. The protesters never deliberately hit me, no matter how much I tried to stop them.



Ok, so I just returned to TST police station and here’s my verbal reconstruction of what happened. I’m more positive than ever that the projectile that I saw swish passed my head, and the one that eventually shot the girl came from the same people inside the police station.

Note: in the original piece I thought it was a 1st floor balcony, as the black figures were raised off the floor. But in the day time you can see it’s a raised entrance and platform. It’s important to note that the projectile I saw was travelling parallel to the floor, at head height and 90’ across Nathan Road. Indicating it was not shot from height.

I just wanna make one correction to the video. In the video I say I moved back down to the other Banyan tree cus I felt unsafe. But actually I don’t really know why I moved back down that way. All I know is that when the girl was shot I ran up from that tree.




##One more thought on the girl who lost an eye

One more thought on the girl who lost an eye. About fifteen years ago, I was hit in the face with a glass. My eye ball collapsed and had to be sewn back together. My nostril was almost sliced off. I was stabbed in the collar bone area.

I was taken to Queen Elisabeth Hospital, just like the girl. This is the best place in HK for such treatment. They have amazingly skilled ophthalmologists and plastic surgeons there. In my case, my scars are almost imperceivable now.

She will have the best care she could hope to get there.


I was very close to the girl before she got shot in the face.

It was near the junction of Nathan and Austin Road, by the bus stops. The whole area was full of medics and people in bright yellow clothes, indicating they were not protesters and keeping clear of the main fray at the police gate. Pretty much all the protesters were much further south, down Nathan Rd.

About 5 minutes before she was shot, I literally saw and heard a white projectile fly past my face. This was not a CS canister as it made a swish sound, and it didn’t make any noise against the shop front like canisters do. I was dressed clearly in yellow and orange. I turned to face the back end of the police station and could just make out a darkened balcony, with about 3 figures on it. Prior to that, you wouldn’t even know there was a balcony there in the night time.

There was no doubt in my mind, they tried to headshot me and missed. There was no one else within metres of me. Definitely not any black clad protesters. I crouched down behind the wall, and behind one of the large Banyans.

About 5 minutes later, the girl was shot 15 metres from me.

There isn’t a single doubt in my mind that who ever was shooting could see they were firing at people who were clearly visible as medics or media.




少女中槍前約5分鐘,我親眼看見並聽得到有白色的投射物,在我臉旁飛過。那不是催淚彈罐,因為它發出了一下「嗖」(swish) 的聲音,而且擊中店舖時是無聲的。我當時的衣服明顯是黃色和橙色。我回過頭來,面向警署的後方,隱若看到個漆黑的露台,上面大概站了3人。我想,平常夜晚應該沒有人會察覺這露台的存在。





After less than 24hrs back in HK, here’s my initial thoughts.

First the BAD NEWS:

Barring any unforeseen calamity, I don’t see the protests having any immediate change on either the HK Government or the CCP in the short term. The official government policy seems to be to try and exhaust the movement in a strategic long game, just like it did during Occupy. The Gov is hoping that as time goes by, society will become tired of all the disruption and madness, and a growing dissatisfaction with the movement will reach a tipping point.

It worked on the Occupy. Why not now?

CCP always likes to say it’s the master at playing the long game and the CE’s utter refusal to negotiate reeks of 2014.

I don’t think the government has any other plan other than to attack the protesters with escalating force, avoid a permanent Occupy, at all costs, and eventually let the fire of discontent either burn itself out or devour itself.


Well, buckle up Carrie! It ain’t 2014 any longer, and this is definitely not Kansas. (Look up Wizard of Oz to understand quote)



My first impressions, are that it doesn’t look like this movement is going to run out of steam anytime soon. In fact it looks like the complete opposite. Hong Kong is now a city in genuine revolt.

Protest graffiti and flash occupies are creating an addictive counter culture for young people to be part of. This is way cooler than any other prospect the city can offer these kids. They’re all-in and this sticky movement will grow.

Unlike 2015 Smuggler Protests, the high mobility of these protests means that the cost, in the form of arrests is low. But the pressure they’re able to apply is relatively high. This is a game of stamina. Police can no longer mobilise in huge numbers with well thought out plans. They are winging it every weekend.

Last night I watched the police blockade a small side street off Nathan for half an hour. There was no-one on that street other than press and diners. The protesters were long gone.

Right now, the fire of revolution is burning in the hearts of Hong Kongers. This is not going to be snubbed out via police violence or changing the education system. Any attempts to control this fire through force will only make it spread further and deeper. The young kids know this. They also know when to fight and when to withdraw. So, this series of protests could eventually wind down, but the spirit of resistance against the CCP in Hong Kong is a roaring inferno and is not going to be extinguished for a generation or more.


who is playing the real long game?


















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